The Quran, meaning "recitation" in Arabic, is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be
the literal word of God (Allah) revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over a period of
approximately 23 years. It serves as the foundation of Islamic faith and practice, guiding
Muslims in their spiritual lives, social interactions, and moral conduct.
The revelation of the Quran began in 609 CE, when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 40 years
old. According to Islamic tradition, the Angel Gabriel appeared to him in a cave outside Mecca
and recited the first verses of the Quran: "Read in the name of your Lord who created. Created
man from a clinging form. Read for your Lord is Most Gracious" (Quran 96:1-3).
These initial revelations were profound experiences for Muhammad (PBUH), often leaving him
overwhelmed. He would then relay the message to his companions, who would memorize and
recite the verses. The revelations continued throughout his life, delivered in parts and addressing
various situations and concerns of the early Muslim community.
The Quran is believed to be a miraculous and inimitable work of Arabic literature. Muslims
revere its eloquence, poetic beauty, and the timeless nature of its message. The Quran
emphasizes the oneness of God, denouncing polytheism and idolatry. It lays out core Islamic
beliefs, including the Day of Judgement, heaven and hell, and the importance of prophets like
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and culminating in Muhammad (PBUH) as the final messenger.
The Quran provides guidance on various aspects of life, including prayer, fasting, charity
(Zakat), and pilgrimage (Hajj). It promotes social justice, enjoining kindness to parents, orphans,
and the less fortunate. The Quran also addresses legal matters, outlining principles for marriage,
inheritance, and criminal justice.
The compilation of the Quran occurred during the caliphate of Abu Bakr, the first successor to
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Companions who had memorized the verses meticulously
compiled them into a single manuscript, ensuring the preservation of the divine message in its
original form. This standardized version of the Quran has been transmitted for centuries,
ensuring the authenticity of the text across generations.
The Quran is not simply a book to be read; it is a living text recited in prayers, studied for
guidance, and memorized by millions of Muslims worldwide. Its teachings continue to inspire
and shape Islamic thought and practice, serving as a source of comfort, wisdom, and direction for
Muslims in their daily lives.